Links test

Links is a pretty basic web browser, supporting neither CSS nor JS

it does support tables though, so it's better than Lynx

This is just a regular div with some content in it.
This is another div next to that first div

This is just a regular span This is another span right next to it.
This is a div inside of a span
This is another div in that same span
This is a span right next to that first span
This is a b tag This is a strong tag This is an em tag This is an s tag This is an strike tag This is an I tag This is a u tag This is a big tag This is a small tag This is a sub tag This is a sup tag

  1. This is a li inside of an ol
  2. This is another li

This is a dt (description term) inside of a dl (Description list)
this is a dd (description details) inside of the dl (Description list)

This is a blockquote element

This is the header Of the table
This is a Table
This is a div
Inside of a table
this is a br
inside of a table
This is another table it has
I like it custom border
very much
custom cellspacing
custom cellpadding

This is the end of this document