
Mega Man Maker levels

Show IDS

0 Results
Show / Hide


Pl = Played
Be = Beaten
Ch = Checked
Co = Completed
Sk = Skipped
Un = Unbeatable
Ra = rated

Pl Be Ch Co Sk Un Ra Diff Up Down -


Level Data from

Version of (or later if I forgot to update this)

Made by nathnolt


Press the button to show the list of levels,
matching to the specified Show IDS fields,
and Show / Hide checkboxes.

Press Choose File to load beaten, played and voted levels.
These files are located within

Click on row to either

  • Play the level
  • Copy the id to clipboard
  • Tag it

You can also tag levels by clicking on the tag-column


Normal Mode

r = Render

Play Mode

Tag buttons

Tagging a level will move it to the next level.

For the tag buttons, pressing just the button always checks it on,
even if it's already on. If you hold shift it will always toggle
between tagged and not tagged.

b or enter = Beaten

s = Skip

u = Unbeatable

Other buttons

c = Copy id (not needed, since all other functions already copy the id)

o = Open the level in Mega Man Maker

v = Update OBS integration
(this only makes sense if it's disabled by default in the settings menu)

Any navigation between levels will automatically put the id on your clipboard.

p = Jump to previous level

n = Jump to next level

Arrow keys will also jump between levels

page up = Jump -10

page down = Jump +10

home = First level

end = Last level

You can also click on levels within the list to move to this one.

Are you sure you want to remove all data?

Left Click
Right Click
Play Mode



This will delete the user set tags from the currenly showing level list

  • Checked
  • Completed
  • Skipped
  • Unbeatable
  • Voted

Id range (-1 = don't care)
Difficulty range (0 - 100)
(Choose 1)
Upvotes (-1 = don't care)
Downvotes (-1 = don't care)



The Red1 integration is 1 where you need the red1 mod. Every time you beat or exit a level on play mode, the level will be marked as completed.

Because Chromium based browsers are dumb, you have to do something really stupid:

  1. Go into your mega man maker folder (where you have placed the executable)
    Note: this canot be in appdata, and maybe also some other folders are not allowed.
    You can also make a new folder somewhere, for example: C:\megamanmaker\
  2. Next, whilst holding shift, press right mouse button.
  3. A window should pop up, click on "Open command window here"
  4. Type in cmd
  5. Paste the following text:
  6. If all went well, you should see a message like "Junction created for .\id\ <<===>> C:\users\YOUR_NAME\appdata\local\megamaker\ID"

Now, press the Start Red1 Integration

Go into the same folder you did the CMD thing, a new folder should be there called id, in it, there should be a file called levelID, click it.
Now you should be set.

If it's not there yet, you either haven't exited or completed a level yet with the mod, or you are not using the mod.

Sadly I cannot provide a link of where to download this mod.

What the integration provides is that it advances the level forwards automatically.
But it only does something actually usefull if it's combined with the Wolfo integration, and Wolfo's script


The Wolfo integration is 1 where you need Wolfo's script.
With the script, you can set it up so you only have to press a button which causes MMM to input the next ID.

What this integration does then, is that whenever the play mode advances a level, it writes out this it as a file called "nextID.txt" (you have to choose this yourself)

Press the wolfo Integration button

Choose the same folder as you created in red1 integration, in it, create a filed called

Or click the file and press Yes if it already existed


The OBS integration is a way to get a top bar, showing level stats, and an image, showing the current level

It works using 2 urls. One for the top bar, and 1 for the image. Both have a hidden userID linked

This id is just a random string generated for you

When you press one of the copy buttons, a url will be copied to your clipboard. You can then paste this URL into a browser source

Any time you navigate to a level inside of play mode, the levelId will be put into a database next to the randomly generated userID

You also have to click "Enable OBS Integration" for it to update the levelID

Top bar


Enable / Disable

Integration API URL

You shouldn't need to change this.


The twitch integration is a way to get the queue list. This does not work.